Non-Golf Golf Tourney

April 4, 2025

FBC Haughton Family Life Center

Non-Golf Golf is Camp Fuego's only fundraiser, so we rely heavily on this event to have the ability to reach students each summer.

If you are trying to figure out what this is...let me tell you:  

Several years ago, I realized that Fuego had maxed out on what we could do if Tanya and I kept trying to finance camp on our credit cards.  Most of our cards were maxed out from prior years of camp, and camp was growing at a pace that that exceeded what we could afford.  A choice came:  Do we raise the price of camp...thereby prohibiting a lot of kids from attending and hearing the Gospel, or do we ask for help and see if anyone else shares our passion.  We new the right decision so we started trying to think of ways we could do something that's when we thought, "How about a golf tournament?"

Well, I called a good friend who was involved in the pro-golf world and asked if he could help us organize a tourney.  His reply?  "Yes, I am more than willing to help, but truthfully, other than a few expectations, for most fundraising tournaments the only people who really raise any money is the Golf Course." 

Then he went on, 

"You know, Jeff...with your personality (pretty sure that was an insult), you should do something like a 'Non-Golf Golf Tournament.'" 

He had never seen such and neither had I. So, in 2009, with the help of a great friend (John Rennie), we put together our first fundraiser.  The Non-Golf Golf Tournament. A 9 hole "trivia contest" with a tournament champion, runner up, and a lot of fun.

We have hole sponsors, games and great food.  It's super easy, a lot of laughs and it is critical to our ministry.  

If you can help, there is a contribution button below.

Thank you for thinking of us as we attempt to reach this generation of students with the Good News of Jesus!

Par Sponsor ($250)  

Includes: 3 Banquet Tickets & 3 Tournament Entries • Table Gifts • Par Sponsor Recognition on some tournament materials. 

Click Below to be a Par Sponsor

Birdie Sponsor ($500) (”A Table”) 

Includes: 6 Banquet Tickets & 6 Tournament Entries • Shared Sponsor Table • Table Gifts • Birdie Sponsor Recognition on some tournament materials.

Click Below to be a Birdie Sponsor

Eagle Sponsor ($1000) 

Includes: 6 Banquet Tickets & 6 Tournament Entries • Shared Sponsor Table • Hole Sponsorship • Table Gifts • Eagle Sponsor Recognition on all tournament materials. (If received before March 25th, we can include your name on the Tourney Cups)

Click Below to be an Eagle Sponsor

Hole in One Sponsor ($1500) 

Includes: 6 Banquet Tickets & 6 Tournament Entries • Sponsor Table • Really Cool Custom Award • Hole Sponsorship • Table Gifts • Hole-In-One Sponsor Recognition on all tournament materials. 

 (If received before March 17th, we can include your name on the Tourney Cups) 

Click Below to be an Hole-in-One Sponsor

Matching Donor ($_________) 

Includes: 12 Banquet Tickets & 12 Tournament Entries • Sponsor Table • Really Cool Custom Award • Hole Sponsorship • Table Gifts • Hole-In-One Sponsor Recognition on all tournament materials. (If received before March 17th, we can include your name on the Tourney Cups) 

(Award is mailed to your home after the tourney)

Click Below to Be a Matching Donor Sponsor